Lead StatusDefinition/Description
NewLeads that are just purchased by an agent
First CallAgent Made a first call to the lead
Second CallAgent made a second call to the lead
Third CallAgent made a third call to the lead
VoicemailAgent left a voicemail for the lead
TextAgent sent a text to the lead
Door Knock
Agent unable to connect on the phone; Planning a door knock
AppointmentAgent has set an appointment with the lead
A policy has been submitted for the lead
SoldA policy was sold to the lead
ClosedNo policy was put in place and no follow up is possible
DeclinedClient refused coverage
Follow Up
Client is interest to buy the policy in the future. An agent may want to follow up with the client at a later date
LapsedThe policy has lapsed ( e.g. expired /terminated policy)
DormantHave not become a lead yet. If agents place leads in this status, they won't be able to find them again on ‘Manage Leads’ screen
Credit RequestedA refund has been requested for a qualifying reason
ArchiveAgent no longer wants to see the lead in their daily list of leads.
DeletedLeads should be requested to be suppressed and they will no longer be visible to agents.