If you are reading this it's because a voucher has been automatically added to your LeadCENTER account and you are now looking for instructions on how to access it and apply it to your cart.
To begin, please click on your name in the right-hand corner of the page
Then select "My Wallet" from the dropdown menu.
Within the My Wallet section, you will find all the details regarding your available vouchers.
This will provide you with valuable information regarding the specific amount allocated, expiration date, remaining balance, and “Lead Type Restriction”
*Please note that there are certain vouchers that have specific lead type restrictions, this means ONLY the lead types listed CAN be purchased. You can find this information by clicking on these three dots:
Once you have familiarized yourself with the voucher details, you can proceed to apply it to your purchase. To do this, you need to first build your cart by selecting your preferred lead types.
Once you have added your desired leads to the cart and have the leads summary in view, you will notice an option labeled "Add a coupon or voucher code". Please click on this option to proceed.
Within the "Add a coupon or voucher code" section, all your available vouchers will be displayed. Feel free to use as many active vouchers as you require for your transaction. Simply select the desired voucher(s) and apply them to your cart.
If you run into any issues during this process or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us directly at leadsupport@familyfirstlife.com.
We hope this voucher adds even more value to your lead experience.